Globalisation and technology have created wealth and prosperity in measures that the world has never before seen. Yet more and more people, wherever they may live, are being left behind, not benefiting from that wealth creation, their personal situations becoming worse. Business for Inclusive Growth (B4IG) is a partnership between the OECD and major corporations from across the globe, all committed to correcting that divergence.
In the context of the COVID-19 crisis, this fight against inequalities is more necessary than ever. B4IG is united to help build stronger and more inclusive business models.
B4IG aims to multiply the reach and impact of the individual efforts occurring within each of its member organizations. By sharing best practices, developing new solutions, launching pilot programs, and developing metrics to better evaluate inclusive growth efforts, B4IG demonstrates the ways in which businesses can encourage inclusive growth. This work also serves to issue further calls-to-action to federate more businesses, employees, entrepreneurs, and associations in the massive challenge of shifting our world toward a more inclusive future.
The coalition works closely with policymakers to advance inclusive growth at both global and local levels, as well as with private organizations dedicated to inclusive growth.
Because inclusive growth can only happen by bringing our collective forces together.
Working Groups
B4IG member companies work together with OECD experts, partners, and academics to turn collaboration into concrete business actions for inclusive growth. Working Groups lead to the creation of new projects, tools and commitments to trigger a systemic change and monitor progress in the three areas of The Pledge.
The Incubator supports projects developed and implemented by B4IG member companies as they test, accelerate and scale novel approaches to inclusive growth. In the process, the Incubator helps find specific, operational solutions that can be more broadly applied across geographies and economic sectors.
Financing Forum
The Inclusive Growth Financing Forum aims to foster partnerships to fund strategic and transformative inclusive growth initiatives. The IGFF evaluates ongoing inclusive growth funding mechanisms, designs investment frameworks and initiates new partnerships between B4IG member companies.
In partnership with


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